Wednesday 12 June 2013


Wow, we have had a busy week learning all about Matariki which is our very own Maori New Year. It is associated with the celebration of harvest, of gifting food, and planning or preparing the ground for the new year's crops. Matariki is a time to come together as whānau (family) and a time for celebration. This year it is also about celebrating the people in our lives we look up to. The shining stars in our school community – the role models who share qualities with Matariki and her daughters.  In Ruma Kotare we made vegetable soup and invited our buddy class to come and share it with us. We also worked in the garden and put the compost in to get our soil ready for planting. We shared stories about the past and legends about Matariki and her sisters. 

Have a look on our blog to see our garden journey or what the photo peach slide of our soup sharing with our buddy class.


  1. I saw the all the photos on the slideshow and I think they are all awesome. It waz a lot of fun making the soup. I think the funniest photo is when I was using my carrot as a microphone but there were also a lot of funny photos of Alyssa if you see the slideshow you will definitly know what i'm talking about. I hope you have good evenings. From Paige

  2. I saw the photos on the blog page and they were cool. I did not get to try the soup because I went to Australia that day. I went to a place called Noosa where my uncle matty lives. We watched quite a few movies on his 3D tv like batman the dark knight rises. I went kayaking with my dad and it was fun. I went to the beach twice it was good fun.I im going to help my mum do the garden and I like the fish on the blog page. from tom!

  3. Holly (Paiges Sister)26 June 2013 at 23:26

    My favourite photo was when Ryan Hamiton Cherry was stuffing bread into his mouth. WHAT A CRAZY BOY!
