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At the end of term one 2013 we had a go at making ANZAC biscuits. We got into groups and sorted out who was going to bring what ingredients and utensils. Miss Lehan gave us a recipe and we had to read the recipe, problem solve and make our biscuits ourselves... Well after we cooked them we did a PMI to see how we got on. Read our PMI and see what you think. Also have a look at our photos, we look like we are having fun...

Needless to say we are going to try again in the first week back next term to see if we have learnt anything.


·      Most people in each group remembered to bring their ingredients and utensils
·      Some groups biscuits tasted good
·      We all had fun
·      In some groups everyone had a turn to do something
·      We all added too much water
·      Some groups had too much flour
·      Some groups had too much baking soda
·      We didn’t read the recipe properly
·      Liam had to do the dishes
·      Even though some groups didn’t follow the recipe their biscuits turned out well
·      One group put the coconut on the top instead of in the mixture
·      Our baking looked different when it was cooked
·      Burnt coconut tasted quite nice

Introducing Ruma Kotare Enviro Warriors 2013

Ruma Kotare Enviro Warriors for 2013 are Ella Foster and Amelia Glover. Here is the speech that Amelia gave to Ruma Kotare and Miss Lehan which won her the responsibility.

Hello, my name is Amelia and I would really like to be the Enviro Warrior. For one thing I just love gardening with my Dad. We plant potatoes together, our family recycles and we have a compost bin. We have lots of trees that we water. I just love gardening!!

Introducing Ruma Kotare Councillors 2013

The Ruma Kotare Councillors for 2013 are Paige Gascoigne and Cayden Buitendach. Here is the speech that Paige gave to us that won her the responsibility. Paige also did an awesome song with actions to go with her speech, you should have seen her!!

I think you should pick me to be the Student Councillor because I will talk to the rest of the Student Council and tell them about all of our great ideas. I will also come back from meetings and share everything we talked about. Please pick me to be the Student Councillor because last year I was deputy and I know how things work. 
Thank you, now I would like to sing a little song...

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos Amelia,ella,pagie,cayden u look cool!!!! from mya
