Wednesday 29 May 2013

Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 2. Wow, we have been busy!! 

Miss Crawford has been with us for three weeks and we have had lots of fun doing sport and vegetable collage art with her. We really enjoyed having another teacher in our class to help us and to support our learning.

We have already been on a trip to the Hamilton Gardens and we had a fantastic time walking around the ‘Sustainable Garden’, ‘Herb Garden’, Te Parapara and the large ‘Kitchen Garden’. Thank you to all our parents who were able to join us and get us there and back safely. This trip has helped us to decide what we need to do with the school garden which we are in charge of with Ruma Korimako. 

We are in the middle of testing at the moment which is always hard as everyone needs to be powerful self managers so it is a quiet environment for those people who's turn it is to share their knowledge.

Next week there will be more on what is happening in our garden and with our inquiry so watch this space.

Don't forget to leave a message and to look at the Links and Activities page to practice your Times Tables and practice your spelling for the week on Spelling City.

Have fun
Miss Lehan



  1. Hi Kotare its Paige here, its sad and all that Miss Crawfords left but it was nice to share her last day with us at the Hamilton Gardens. I think we should donate vegetable plants and old tools to the garden because we would be SUSTAINABLE. I hope you guys have a good evening. From Paige

  2. What a lovely way to spend time with your buddy class. The soup looks delicious.
