Thursday 5 September 2013

Our very own Mucking in Day

What a fantastic day we all had on Monday for our very own Mucking in Day. We would like share some of our writing with you.

Our Working Day
On Monday 2nd September Kotare and Korimako had our very own Mucking in Day in the school garden. We were writing plant names on labels. The jobs we could do were labelling, painting tyres, pulling weeds out of the garden, sweeping the floor in the worm farm and tidying up and painting the inside of the garden shed. I did my job with Summer, Anneliese, Brooke, Arianna and Alicia. When we had finished decorating the back of the labels it was boring waiting but then I realised that when we had finished painting or finished our jobs we could go and get weeds out of the garden. But that was also boring because there were no weeds so we just made the soil fluffy which was so much better. Finally the paint was dry so then we wrote the names of the vegetables on the labels. Now the decorated labels look AMAZING in our garden! I had a brilliant time. I hope we’ll have another chance to do something as awesome as that!
Written by Paige Gascoigne 

Our Mucking in Day
Yesterday Kotare and Korimako had our Mucking in Day. It was on Monday 2nd September. We all had jobs. There was painting labels, painting bean climbing walls, painting tyres, weeding the garden and many more. My job was painting labels. I did it with Paige, Arianna, Brooke, Anneliese and Alicia. We started painting our labels and the paint was sloppy and very cold. I used blue, green and red. Each of us got one, two or three different vegetables. I got peas, chives and radish. When I said to Mr Callaghan, ‘My green is dry!’ He said to put it on my cheek. I said, ‘NO WAY!’ When the paint had dried on both sides, Paige and Anneliese disappeared to go get the markers. When they got back me, Anneliese and Paige started to write down and draw our vegetables on the labels. I felt great at the end looking at my three labels. Next after everybody had finished we had to do weeding in the garden. I saw worms everywhere. I also saw a few boys working in wet soil. The reason we had our Mucking in Day was to tidy up our garden. Now it looks AMAZING! I can’t wait for our seeds to grow. Best thing about gardening is just going out and doing it. Now I feel really proud with myself!
Written by Summer Cameron

Our Mucking in Day
On Monday our class and Korimako had our very own Mucking in Day. I got put in a group with Emelia, Louis, Tom and Daniel. Our job was to tidy the worm farm but we finished really quickly because all we really needed to do was sweep the floor and move some things on the bench. So I went and helped Laura’s group because they needed a lot of help. Laura’s group were doing the garden shed. First we swept the dust off the floor. Then we stacked all the pots that were outside and brought them inside. Some pots we threw in the skip because there were so many. All the people that were in Laura’s group Tilly, Mitchell, Ollie, Baxter, Ella, Rosie, Me, Emelia and Arianna were helping put the pots in the shed. After that we named all the garden tools. Then we asked Mr Callaghan if we could paint the shed. He said we could after morning tea. So after morning tea we started painting. The colours we had were red, blue, yellow and green. We painted flowers, butterflies and lots of other things. It took two blocks to finish. It was such a really awesome day!!
Written by Amelia Glover

The Monday Mucking Out Day!
On Monday 2nd September we had a Mucking in day because we needed to clean out our garden. Mr Callaghan and Korimako were there too. My first job was to draw or paint patterns and pictures with little paint brushes on the signs then I had to write the vegetables names with vivid on the signs. While the paint was drying I had to weed but that was finished so then I got a broom and swept the concrete because there was heaps of grass and bark plus dust so that took 20 minutes. ‘Ring, Ring,’ went the bell so we skidded off and grabbed our lunch boxes then ate! ‘Ring, Ring!’ We went back to work. Oh, it was tiring believe me, it was… such a mess! Suddenly I had an idea, the idea was to ask the teachers if I could go and help the people in the shed, and guess what they said, ‘YES!’ So…. who I worked with in the shed was Amelia, Laura, Mitchell, Ollie, Rosie, Emelia, Mya and Ella! Also Baxter but he only helped one eighth, I felt like a machine but a host, then at the same time a servant. Wow! It was a sight, cool paintings everywhere then I started helping for the rest of the day. Bing, bong, bang! We’ve finished! Now I feel proud, and oh it looks astonishing! Before I saw tools, paintbrushes, gumboots, nails, paints, shelves and seed trays everywhere but it’s all done now!!
Written by Arianna Mulligan

Mucking in Day
On Monday we had our very own Mucking in Day!! I was on the job of cleaning the garden shed. We did lots of things like painting tyres, weeding the garden, taking photo’s, tidying the worm farm, painting signs, painting poles but I did the garden shed. I did it with Amelia, Rosie, Arianna, Mya, Emelia, Ella, Ollie and Mitchell. We had an awesome time as we did painting. Cleaning out the shed was the worst as there was old rusty containers and dust on the shelves and it was full of plastic pots. The plastic pots were on the shelves and there were heaps, I could not even count!! Then we asked for a broom and swept everywhere. By that time it was morning tea. At morning tea my friends and I were discussing how awesome the day was so far. Then we got right back into it. In the middle block we begged and begged to paint then finally the teachers said, ‘YES!’ So we got four colours, red, yellow, blue and green and we started to paint stripes on some walls. Then it was lunch so we got our lunch boxes and went to lunch and then we sat on the cobbles stones and we were so excited! After that we went straight back to t he shed and we kept painting. We wrote our names down on the wall and our handprints too. We painted lots of flowers and hearts as well and we hammered lots of nails and took out lots of nails. Then finally we were done. We were so proud of the results as it looked magnificent!!! Now we have got a pretty and clean shed!
Written by Laura Kilbride 
Our Mucking in Day
On the 2nd September we had our own Mucking in Day with Ruma Korimako. I was cleaning out the green house with Tom, Amelia, Emelia and Jayk. After a while Jayk, Emelia and Amelia left so it was only Tom and I. It was a lot easier without the others so we made faster progress. Within ten minutes it was looking pretty clean. Tate came in for about 5 minutes or so then he left. When Miss Lehan came in I think she was quite surprised about how clean it was. I feel pretty proud to know that I’ve cleaned it out with Tom and can’t wait till we do it again!
Written by Louis Gibbard
Our Mucking in Day
Yesterday Ruma Kotare and Ruma Korimako had a Mucking in Day. We had to clean and paint heaps of things. My job was to paint signs with Summer, Paige, Anneliese, Alicia and Arianna but Mr Callaghan helped the most. He ripped the scarecrow down so we could make a new one. It was so amazing but it was so enjoyable too and I really wish that we could do it every day.
Written by Brooke Strachan